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    Emmanuel Macron and Jimmy Fallon: An unexpected selfie at the 2024 Olympics

    A surprising moment occurred at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games when French President Emmanuel Macron and American host Jimmy Fallon shared a selfie, sparking numerous reactions online.

    The photo, taken in the stands of an Olympic event, quickly went viral on social media. Internet users joked about this unlikely encounter, with some even mentioning a “multiverse” where Macron and Fallon would be roommates. The American comedian, known for his show The Tonight Show, had already mentioned this idea during a sketch aired in March, where he asked the French President to lend him a guest room at the Élysée Palace during his stay in Paris to co-host the closing ceremony of the Games.

    Jimmy Fallon’s presence in Paris for the Olympics did not go unnoticed. The host expressed his enthusiasm for France and the Olympic Games, declaring his love for both countries. In a humorous sketch, he even proposed becoming Macron’s roommate, promising to be a discreet and respectful guest. This interaction was seen as a friendly nod between the two personalities, enhancing the media interest around their meeting.

    Besides Macron and Fallon, many celebrities were present in Paris to attend the Olympic competitions. Iconic figures such as Zinedine Zidane, Thierry Henry, and Tony Parker were spotted at the Bercy Arena during the basketball final between France and the United States. This event captured the attention of the public and the media, contributing to the festive and international atmosphere of the Games.


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